Product & Company
October 24, 2023

Uplifted’s Latest Features: DAM, Video Tagging & More

Lior Arnan
Lior Arnan

We're continuously innovating to bring you features that can make your video marketing strategies not just effective, but also efficient. We've rolled out new updates to help you stay ahead of the curve and get the most out of your campaigns. Let’s dive into the details.

1. Digital Asset Management (DAM)

  • Centralized Asset Storage: Think of this as your personal Dropbox but tailored for campaigns. All your media files are in one spot.
  • Folder Structure: This feature offers an easy-to-navigate layout, much like your computer’s file explorer.
  • Preview and Thumbnails: Before you dive into a file, see a quick preview.
  • Drag and Drop: Move files as easily as you would on your desktop.

2. Reminders for Engagement

  • Landing Page Interaction Reminder: Imagine a friendly tap on the shoulder reminding customers to complete their video submissions.

    Why It Matters
    : Increase your conversion rates and keep your audience engaged without lifting a finger.

3. Participation Reward

  • Reward Setup: Create an incentive program.
  • Auto-Email: As soon as someone earns a reward, they’ll know it.

4. Desktop to Mobile Transition

  • Smooth Switch: Users can effortlessly switch to mobile to capture high-quality video.

5. Video Tagging

  • Automated Tagging: Say goodbye to manual sorting. Our AI tags user-generated content based on gender, age, and other video settings.

6. Multiple Media Upload in Campaigns

  • Bulk Uploads: Not just one, but many media files can be uploaded at once.

    Why It Matters
    : Create richer, more dynamic campaigns.

With these new features, Uplifted is ready to take your performance marketing game to the next level. Contact us to learn more.